Hope – There’s A Prayer For That

Lord, all my faith is you.

Synonyms for Hope: belief, faith, confidence, expectation, hopefulness, conviction, reassurance, fancy, rose-colored glasses, and light at end of tunnel

In the name of Jesus, I come before you, God. Hear my prayer, Lord; all my hope is you. I know you are strong enough and, I know you are wise and faithful. You define strength and wisdom. Without you, power and knowledge could not exist. My trust is solely in you, Lord, and when I count on you, I depend on The God that knows no failure. My hopefulness in you knows no end. I’m relying on The God that is Victorious in everything He does. I’m counting on the God that gave me the victory through His most precious gift, His Son Jesus Christ. Thank you, Jesus. My faith is not in vain. Amen!


Synonyms provided by: wordhippo.com

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