Author name: Staff Pathway365


This Day Belongs To You

God has given you the power you need to get through anything. If you ask him for it, you are uncertain if you have it.

This Day Belongs To You 2

You Are Fearfully Made

The Holy Spirit shapes you daily, bringing together GOD’S excellent ingredients to maximize their full potential in GOD’S beautiful masterpiece.

You Are Fearfully Made 3

Be Angry and Sin Not

There is a common misconception that Christians should never feel angry. Some even say that anger is a sin. However, it’s important to remember that being a Christian does not mean we are immune to emotions like anger.

Be Angry and Sin Not 4

The Word

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This tells us that The Word is not just a collection of letters and words but a divine entity that has existed since the beginning of time

The Word 5

No Mixing of The Two

So, after reading the above scripture, I can see no mixture. The Holy Spirit showed up and kicked the evil Spirit out of the house (referring to the person); there was no stick around being my guest for a while.

No Mixing of The Two 6
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