All things are possible to those that believe. You showed me a way when I couldn’t see one. When I thought it was over, you showed me a new beginning. When I was tired, you gave me strength. When I felt the worst about a situation, you showed me theContinue Reading

Synonyms For Insanity : derangement, lunacy, madness, craziness, delirium, mania, neurosis, psychopathy, psychosis, dementia, aberration, and delusion Unmasking the Demons: The Untold Story of Madness You label it insanity but are not willing to understand the demons that are behind the madness; it is so much more than insanity. DemonicContinue Reading

Resting in the Certainty of Eternity I’m not worried about what tomorrow brings because I’m resting in the certainty of eternity with my KING. I won’t be caught up in the fear of the unknown. My feet are firmly planted with my KING.  Every second of the day that passes,Continue Reading

Always Start your day with prayer Here I am, Lord. I need you. I desire you, God; I depend on you to get through each day. I need The Holy Spirit to guide, teach, discipline, and create a worthy heart, soul, and mind to please you, Lord; I want toContinue Reading