Synonyms for Day: time, age, era, hour, period, years, days, aeonUK, eonUS, epoch, generation, term, cycle, span, point in time, and time frame
Every day comes at you like Goliath, but remember, this is the day the Lord has made.Be glad and rejoice in it. It’s up to you to be happy, sad, angry, negative, or positive. Anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior has the power over their day. When you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you wake up victorious daily.
People and things will come at you daily, trying to convince you otherwise.
Don’t believe the lie! Jesus is the son of God who was born into the flesh, died on the cross, and was raised from the dead to live on the third day if you believe that you have already won.
Remember when JESUS yelled out? It’s finished (John 19:30) while dying on the cross. He could have never yelled it’s finished if everything wasnt completed. That means every day is complete; there’s nothing in your life that God didn’t foresee and gave you victory over.That doesn’t mean things won’t come at you. Death, fear, lies, manipulation, and all evil works will come, but they are defeated.
The fear of death has come to me countless times, and each time, it was met with my faith in God.
My faith in God? If I continue living in this world, that is his will for me. If I were to pass from this world, my faith in God is that it’s my time. I know God will look after my family and supply their every need. You see, when the fear of death comes, it brings questions to your mind.
If you die, who will look after your family?
Who will provide for them?
Why isn’t God helping you?
Many pointless questions attempt to scare you and make you doubt your faith. When people see death as the end instead of a transition to the next life, they may be swayed from standing firm in their beliefs.
Matthew 10:28 – KJV
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
God didn’t place fear in you.
Who did? Stop listening to the whispers of the enemy.
God created you fearless and bold as a lion. No weapon shall prosper. You’re meant to conquer, not give in. Your faith in God for everything is vital to each battle that comes your way, from the time your eyes pop open in the morning until they close again in the evening.

Christians must remember that we are engaged in a spiritual battle, not a physical one. The weapons used against us are not physical. We must stand firm in our faith.
Faith brought the walls of Jericho down. Your faith shapes your day.

In many battles, I’ve asked God for the strength to get through them until the Holy Spirit said to stop asking God for the strength you need to get through the day and thank Him for it instead. God has given you the power you need to get through anything. If you ask him for it, you are uncertain if you have it.
God’s power is limitless. Is your belief?
If all of your belief is God’s power, then your faith is infinite.
If God has brought you this far, he’ll carry you the rest of the way.
Today is your day! You’re Blessed and in “The High Favor” of The Lord Jesus Christ! You didn’t come this far to be defeated; keep your head up and look where your help comes from. Your Helper created the heavens and the earth. Nothing is impossible.
Did God not part the sea for his children when they needed him to?
He even ensured they had dry ground to walk on when he parted it. Whatever challenges you may face, He is faithful in guiding you through them and will take care of every detail along the way.
Remember, Each day may come at you like Goliath, but at the end of the day, Goliath’s head lay severed from his body.
God said you’re untouchable!
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
Isaiah 54:17 (KJV)
The Power of God is with you; don’t give up!
Thank you for reading. God bless you!
All Scripture referenced in our blogs comes from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
Scriptures marked KJV are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION, public domain in The United States. Pathway365 is based in the United States and is governed by its laws. Outside of the United States, you’ll need to check the copyright laws in your country before use.
Scripture quotations from The Authorized (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorized Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown. Reproduced by permission of the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press
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