“Pathway365: Illuminating Life’s Journey with Biblical Wisdom
Dive into the Pathway365 Blog where we explore life’s profound questions and challenges through the lens of Scripture. From relationships and family to personal growth and ethical dilemmas, find inspiration and guidance rooted in Biblical teachings.
The Reality of Spiritual Warfare: Seeing the Unseen
Why Do People Dismiss Spiritual Realities? The moment I start talking about spirits and demonic interactions, the circle of supporters around me seems to shrink. Suddenly, I’m labeled…
Life is a Vapor: Use Your Time to Prepare for Eternity
We’re only on this earth for a short time compared to what lies ahead. “Nothing lasts forever.” That’s an old statement many of us have heard. While it’s…
Align Yourself With God’s Word Daily
Emulation Show
Synonyms for Emulation: mimicry, mirroring, copying, following, echoing, imitation, simulation, and aping People often ask for my opinions on music, movies, and entertainers. They frequently mention the entertainer’s…
Grateful Beyond Words
“In the days that have passed, if I failed to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, I would like to apologize and ask for your forgiveness,…
Synonyms for Monster: brute, savage, villain, barbarian, fiend, thug, evildoer, lowlife, scum, scumbag, baddie, beast, and cretin There is something deeply woven within me that you cannot see….
Synonyms For Insanity : derangement, lunacy, madness, derangement, delirium, mania, neurosis, psychopathy, psychosis, dementia, aberration, and delusion Unmasking the Demons: The Untold Story of Madness You label it…
Synonyms for Jesus: Son of God, Jesus Christ, Messiah, redeemer Christ, Emmanuel, Jesus, lord saviourUK, saviorUS, Lamb of God, Good Shepherd, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, God…
Striving for Christian Unity: Overcoming Division and Standing Together
Christian, the word alone sparks controversy and is sometimes considered wrong. When I first became a Christian, I just wanted to talk to other Christians and talk with…
“Sin and Redemption: Navigating Life’s Journey with Faith and Grace”
The Weight of Sin: A Burden on Life Sin has come to weigh you down, exhaust you, and leave you feeling hopeless to where you want to give…
“I Will Praise You: A Testament of Gratitude and Devotion
Please remember to visit “Steps Towards Eternity” or “Daily Devotional.”
All Scripture referenced in our blogs comes from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
Scriptures marked KJV are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION, public domain in The United States. Pathway365 is based in the United States and is governed by its laws. Outside of the United States, you’ll need to check the copyright laws in your country before use.
Scripture quotations from The Authorized (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorized Version in the United Kingdom are vested in the Crown. Reproduced by permission of the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press